Aug 23, 2024

#18 The ABCDE of Hiring Metric

#18 The ABCDE of Hiring Metric

Welcome to our series, OMG: One Metric for Growth, where we dive deep into real-life examples of how one metric helped an organization to grow their business. Today's Metric for Growth is: “The ABCDE of Hiring Metric” 📈

How to identify the Right Candidate for your organisation? Hiring the right candidate is critical for any organization’s success. One solid framework that has worked wonders for many organisations which we can take advantage of.

A stands for Attitude

B stands for Background

C stands for Curiosity

D stands for Drive

E stands for Enthusiasm

Attitude: It reflects a person's approach to work,  their adaptability to the feedback received, and their ability to collaborate effectively with others.

Background: Background in hiring is about Educational, professional, and personal experiences that contribute to their overall skill set and knowledge base.  

Curiosity: A curious employee is a valuable asset to any team. Curious employees are more likely to adapt to new technologies, adapt to new business strategies, and learn from each encounter.

Drive: A highly driven person is self-motivated and consistently seeks to improve their performance.

Enthusiasm: An enthusiastic individual is typically highly engaged with their work and visibly passionate about their role work. We have seen the positive results of implementing this framework rigorously in many enterprises.

What are the key questions that can give insights about the candidate?

Below are a few questions that can help to implement the ABCDE framework. The situation-based questions are more effective as there can't be generic answers to them, and the answers will reveal more about them that otherwise are difficult to find. These are not exhaustive lists, but the interviewer can cover some of the questions based on the candidate and profile.

1. What is the achievement in the past that you are proud of?

The answer will help you evaluate the standard they have set for themselves.

2. Why are you leaving your current organisation?

The answer to this question will help you understand the reason or motivation in their career plans.

3. What was the last challenge / pressure that got you excited?

The answer will give an idea about the thought process of handling the challenges and work under pressure or targets.

4. Give me one or two examples where you got feedback to improve and how you dealt with it.

The answers will indicate their openness to feedback and their approach or Attitude toward it.

5. Tell me about a time you disagreed with a colleague. How did you resolve it?

By asking this, you can assess the ability to handle the team conflict and ask more counter-questions regarding communication skills with the team.

6. What are the ways you learn? Have you taken any formal training in past by spending your own money?  

Perhaps curiosity about learning is more important than skills. Skills can be developed fast if approach to learning and growing is available.

7. What are the instances where they have taken ownership of not achieving the target or deadlines for any project?

This conversation will help you to gauge the attitude towards taking responsibility and the leadership quality.  

The ABCDE framework and the related questions for hiring—Attitude, Background, Curiosity, Drive, and Enthusiasm—provide a comprehensive approach to selecting candidates who have the urge to grow and contribute to organisation’s growth.

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Customer retention is the key

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What are the most relevant factors to consider?

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Odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.

Don’t overspend on growth marketing without good retention rates

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  • Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
What’s the ideal customer retention rate?

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Next steps to increase your customer retention

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